Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Job loss?

With the economy of the ways that the economy is going, I thought I would start a rant of how computer programmers are being affected by it. A couple weeks ago, I was getting bored while sitting in my dorm room, and decided to look at the news. What I saw was a story about how Microsoft will be laying off 5,000 of their workers over the next 18 months. The lead maker of microchips, Intel, had to lay off another 5,000 to 6,000 workers in order to accommodate for its 23 percent revenue loss according to the NY Times. Also, while sitting in class, our professor stated that IBM was one company that would no longer hiring people for their internship program. As a computer science major, and just in general trying to find a job is becoming to get very stressful since getting an internship is mandatory. It is getting hard to find a job willing to pay for you to work for them as an intern, which is pretty scary. Hopefully the economy gets better soon.

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